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Document Title: [Zaxxon Tech.html (html file)]

Zaxxon (also Congo Bongo, Future Spy, Super Zaxxon) Dip Switch Settings and Pinouts

Zaxxon (also Congo Bongo, Future Spy, Super Zaxxon) Dip Switch Settings and Pinouts

Zaxxon (also Congo Bongo, Future Spy, Super Zaxxon) pinouts

Submitted by Dave Holcomb

Sega/Gremlin, 1982

Other boards with the same pinouts (with the exception of some control
   Congo Bongo
   Future Spy
   Super Zaxxon

The original posting of this pinout had the parts side and solder side
reversed.  This version of the pinout fixes that error and discusses how
to change to composite sync from positive to negative JAMMA compatible.
Thanks to Rick Schieve for pointing this out.  The schematic that shows
the settings for this switch (SW4) is in the Zaxxon manual, drawing
number 834-0214, IC Board A, sheet 13.

Also, thanks go to Rick for pointing out that the Zaxxon pinout is shared
by the above games.

Again, please let me know if you find any errors and I will correct them

The following boards identify the Zaxxon boardset:
   Sound II, PCB 171-0078 (834-0213 & 834-0214 sticker, 44-pin edge connector)
   Video II, PCB 171-0079 Rev 3 (834-0257 sticker, bottom board)

The Sound II board has 5 EPROMs and 4 socketed ICs.
   Location       Chip Identification
   --------       -------------------
      U23         IC 8255AC-5 (Sound Chip)
      U24         IC Z80A (MK3880-4) (CPU)
      U27         IC 2564 EPR-1473 turbo mino type (ROM 3D?)
      U28         IC 2564 EPR-1474 turbo mini type (ROM 2D)
      U29         IC 2532 EPR-1475 turbo mini type (ROM 1D)
      U68         IC 2716 EPR - 1468, Zaxxon (ROM 14)
      U69         IC 2716 EPR - 1469, Zaxxon (ROM 15)
      U72         IC TPB24S10PR - 1472, Zaxxon (16-pin Custom IC?)
      U98         IC TPB28L22PR - 1471, Zaxxon (20-pin Custom IC?)

   The sound chip at location U23 is labeled:
      NEC Japan

   The CPU at location U24 is labeled:
      NEC Japan

           15 -----------9
            -|A7      D3|-
            1|          |10
            -|A6      D2|-
            2|   U72    |11
            -|A5      D1|-
            3|          |12   This chip is labeled on the chip:
            -|A4      D0|-       (Texas Instruments logo) J214X2
            4|          |        MR017
            -|A3        |
            7|          |
            -|A2        |
            6|          |
            -|A1        |
            5|          |
            -|A0        |
             |--  --    |
             |CS  CS    |
            13| 14|

           14 -----------19
            -|D7      A7|-
           13|          |18
            -|D6      A6|-
           12|   U98    |17   This chip is labeled on the chip:
            -|D5      A5|-       (Texas Instruments logo) J214A2
           11|          |5       MR016
            -|D4      A4|-      
            9|          |4
            -|D3      A3|-
            8|          |3
            -|D2      A2|-
            7|          |2
            -|D1      A1|-
            6|          |1
            -|D0      A0|-
             |G1 G2  Gnd|     G1 and G2 are connected to pin 10 
              |15|16   |10

The Video II board has 10 EPROMs and 2 socketed ICs.
   Location       Chip Identification
   --------       -------------------
      U42         IC 93422 (22-pin Custom IC?)
      U62         IC 93422 (22-pin Custom IC?)
      U77         IC 2564 EPR 1465 (ROM 11)
      U78         IC 2564 EPR 1466 (ROM 12)
      U79         IC 2564 EPR 1467 (ROM 13)
      U90         IC 2564 EPR 1459 (ROM 7)
      U91         IC 2564 EPR 1458 (ROM 8)
      U92         IC 2564 EPR 1457 (ROM 9)
      U93         IC 2564 EPR 1456 (ROM 10)
      U111        IC 2564 EPR 1462 (ROM 4)
      U112        IC 2564 EPR 1461 (ROM 5)
      U113        IC 2564 EPR 1460 (ROM 6)

             |       CS2|-
             |       ---|19
             |       CS1|-
             |        --|18
             |        OE|-
             |        --|20   This chip is labeled on the chip:
             |        WE|-       93422 PC 
             |          |1       F 8218 
             |         A|-       SINGAPORE
             |          |4
             |         A|-
             | U42      |21
             |  & U62  A|-
             |          |7
             |         A|-
             |          |6
             |         A|-
             |          |5
             |         A|-
             |          |4
             |         A|-
             |          |3
             |         A|-
             |          |2
             |         A|-
           10|          |9
            -|D0      DI|-
           12|          |11
            -|D0      DI|-
           14|          |13
            -|D0      DI|-
           16|          |15
            -|D0      DI|-

There are no empty sockets on either board.

44-pin connector at location P5 on Assy IC Brd A, Sound II

                       SOLDER SIDE  |  PARTS SIDE
                            Gnd | A | 1 | Gnd
                            Gnd | B | 2 | Gnd
                            +5V | C | 3 | +5V
                            +5V | D | 4 | +5V
                            -5V | E | 5 | -5V
                           +12V | F | 6 | (+12V)
  [from P4-4 & to Spkr?] Spkr - | H | 7 | Spkr + [from P4-3 & to Spkr?]
                 (Coin Meter A) | J | 8 | (Coin Meter B)
                    Coin Mech A | K | 9 | Coin Mech B
                          Reset | L | 10| Service Switch
                       P1 Start | M | 11| P2 Start
                        P1 Left | N | 12| P1 Right
                          P1 Up | P | 13| P1 Down
                        P1 Fire | R | 14| (P1 Spare)
                      (P2 Left) | S | 15| (P2 Right)
                        (P2 Up) | T | 16| (P2 Down)
                      (P2 Fire) | U | 17| (P2 Spare)
                          (Gnd) | V | 18| (Gnd)
                              R | W | 19| G
                              B | X | 20| Comp Sync *
                          (Gnd) | Y | 21| (Gnd)
                          (Gnd) | Z | 22| (Gnd)

* At the bottom center of the Sound II board, there is a section labeled
"Color Conv."  At the far left you will see switch #4 (SW4).  If this switch
is off ("0"), you will get JAMMA compatible negative composite sync.  If it
is on ("1"), you will get positive composite sync.

Items in parantheses "()" are only needed for the cocktail setup, or perhaps
as extra pinouts.

Speaker @ 8 Ohms

There is an additional 10-pin connector between P1 on both boards.  Pin 1
on the sound board maps to pin 1 on the video board, pin 2 on the sound
board maps to pin 2 on the video board, etc.  A Zaxxon boardset should come
with the connector between these two sets of pins.

P1 connector on both boards:
Pin | Definition
  1 | Unused
  2 | +12V
  3 | Unused
  4 | Gnd
  5 | Gnd
  6 | Gnd
  7 | -5V
  8 | +5V
  9 | +5V
 10 | +5V

There is an additional 6-pin MTA connector at P4.  I believe it is needed 
to get sound.

P4 connector on Sound II Board 
Pin | Definition
  1 | Unused
  2 | Unused
  3 | Spkr + [to P5-7?]
  4 | Spkr - [to P5-H?]
  5 | Unused
  6 | Unused

Zaxxon switch settings

 DIP SW 1   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
            ON  ON                            10K  BONUS SHIP
            ON  OFF                           20K
            OFF ON                            30K
            OFF OFF                           40K
                            OFF OFF           FREE PLAY
                            OFF ON            5  # OF SHIPS
                            ON  OFF           4
                            ON  ON            3
                                    ON        SOUND ON
                                        ON    COCKTAIL

  DIP SW 2   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8    COIN/CREDIT
             ON  ON  ON  ON   ------------    4/1  COIN B
             ON  ON  ON  OFF  COIN A SAME     3/1
             ON  ON  OFF ON   AS COIN B       2/1
             ON  ON  OFF OFF  ------------    1/1
             ON  OFF ON  ON                   1/2
             ON  OFF ON  OFF                  1/3
             ON  OFF OFF ON                   1/4
             ON  OFF OFF OFF                  1/5
             OFF ON  ON  ON                   1/6
             OFF ON  ON  OFF                  2/1
             OFF ON  OFF ON                   3/2
             OFF ON  OFF OFF                  1/1
             OFF OFF ON  ON                   1/1
             OFF OFF ON  OFF                  1/1
             OFF OFF OFF ON                   1/2
             OFF OFF OFF OFF                  1/2

More Zaxxon switch settings

From: IO91461@maine.maine.edu (Tom Nezwek)

                     Zaxxon Dip Switch Settings

Switch Bank #1            My Defaults: SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8
--------------                         ON  ON  ??? ??? ON  ON  ON  OFF

SW #1   SW #2   (Bonus Ship)           SW #5   SW #6
-----   -----                          -----   -----
 ON      ON     AT 10,000 *             ON      ON     3 Ships *
 ON      OFF    AT 20,000               ON      OFF    4 Ships
 OFF     ON     AT 30,000               OFF     ON     5 Ships
 OFF     OFF    AT 40,000               OFF     OFF    Free-Play

SW #7                                  SW #8
-----                                  -----
 ON        Sound On *                   ON       Cocktail Table
 OFF       Sound Off                    OFF      Upright Machine *

Switch Bank #2            My Defaults:  SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8
--------------                          ON  ON  ??? ??? ON  ON  ON  OFF

SW #1 SW #2 SW #3 SW #4 SW #5 SW #6 SW #7 SW #8     (Coin Mech A/B)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
 ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON       4 Coins   1 Play
 ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF      3 Coins   1 Play
 ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON       2 Coins   1 Play
 ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF      1 Coin    1 Play
 ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON     * 1 Coin    2 Plays
 ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF      1 Coin    3 Plays
 ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON       1 Coin    4 Plays
 ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF      1 Coin    5 Plays
 OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON       1 Coin    6 Plays
 OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF      2 Coins   1 Play
                                                    4 Coins   2 Plays
                                                    5 Coins   3 Plays
                                                    6 Coins   4 Plays
 OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON       2 Coins   1 Play
                                                    4 Coins   3 Plays
 OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF      1 Coin    1 Play
                                                    2 Coins   2 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   3 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   4 Plays
                                                    5 Coins   6 Plays
 OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON       1 Coin    1 Play
                                                    2 Coins   2 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   3 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   5 Plays
 OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF      1 Coin    1 Play
                                                    2 Coins   3 Plays
 OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON       1 Coin    2 Plays
                                                    2 Coins   4 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   6 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   8 Plays
                                                    5 Coins  11 Plays
 OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF      1 Coin    2 Plays
                                                    2 Coins   4 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   6 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   9 Plays

Future Spy Switch Settings

Note that the red switch on the motherboardboard, next to both banks
of DIPs enters the test mode, where you can verify your settings. 

SW1 (pricing)
Coin Slot #1
coin cred 1   2   3   4
1    1    off off off off
1    2    on  off off off
1    3    off on  off off
1    4    on  on  off off
1    5    off off on  off
1    6    on  off on  off
2    1    off on  on  off
3    1    on  on  on  off
4    1    off off off on
2    3    on  off off on
2    1    off on  off on
2    1    on  on  off on
1    1    off off on  on
1    1    on  off on  on
1    1    off on  on  on
1    1    on  on  on  on
Coin Slot #2
coin cred 5   6   7   8
1    1    off off off off
1    2    on  off off off
1    3    off on  off off
1    4    on  on  off off
1    5    off off on  off
1    6    on  off on  off
2    1    off on  on  off
3    1    on  on  on  off
4    1    off off off on
2    3    on  off off on
2    1    off on  off on
2    1    on  on  off on
1    1    off off on  on
1    1    on  off on  on
1    1    off on  on  on
1    1    on  on  on  on
1    on:upright, off:tabletop
2    on:attract sound on, off:attract sound off
3   4
off off  3 lives
on  off  4 lives
off on   5 lives
on  on   infinite lives
5   6
off off  free ships @ 20k, 40k, 60k
on  off  free ships @ 30k, 60k, 90k
off on   free ships @ 40k, 70k, 100k
on  on   free ships @ 40k, 80k, 120k
7   8
off off  easy
on  off  medium
off on   hard
on  on   hardest

Congo Bongo switch settings

 DIP SW 1      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    
 ------        ON   ON                                10K BONUS
               ON   OFF                               20K
               OFF  ON                                30K
               OFF  OFF                               40K
                         ON   ON                      EASY
                         ON   OFF                     NORM
                         OFF  ON                      HARD
                         OFF  OFF                     VERY HARD
                                    OFF  OFF          FREE PLAY
                                    OFF  ON           5  MEN
                                    ON   OFF          4
                                    ON   ON           3
                                              ON      DEMO SOUND ON
                                                  OFF UPRIGHT
                                                  ON  TABLE

 DIP SW 2      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     COIN/CREDIT
               ON   ON   ON   ON   ON   ON   ON   ON    4/1
               ON   ON   ON   OFF  ON   ON   ON   OFF   3/1
               ON   ON   OFF  ON   ON   ON   OFF  ON    2/1
               ON   ON   OFF  OFF  ON   ON   OFF  OFF   1/1
               ON   OFF  ON   ON   ON   OFF  ON   ON    1/2
               ON   OFF  ON   OFF  ON   OFF  ON   OFF   1/3
               ON   OFF  OFF  ON   ON   OFF  OFF  ON    1/4
               ON   OFF  OFF  OFF  ON   OFF  OFF  OFF   1/5
               OFF  ON   ON   ON   OFF  ON   ON   ON    1/6
               OFF  ON   ON   OFF  OFF  ON   ON   OFF   2/1
              0FF  0N   0FF  0N   0FF  0N   0FF  0N     2/1
              0FF  0N   0FF  0FF  0FF  0N   0FF  0FF    1/1
              0FF  0FF  0N   0N   0FF  0FF  0N   0N     1/1
              0FF  0FF  0N   0FF  0FF  0FF  0N   0FF    1/1
              0FF  0FF  0FF  0N   0FF  0FF  0FF  0N     1/2
              0FF  0FF  0FF  0FF  0FF  0FF  0FF  0FF    1/2